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Frequently Asked Questions

How does it all work?


All new clients, whether they are interested in long-term academic coaching or just in a 1-to-2-session help with editing a personal statement, get a free consultation with me for up to an hour. During this consultation, I will ask a series of intake questions to get a sense of who you are, what you want to work on together, and what your needs/goals are moving forward. Based on this consultation session, we will develop an action plan that we will use to help accomplish your main goals, no matter how short or long-term they are. 


When you contact me, please be sure to mention what specific areas you would like to work on. It’s ok if you are still not even sure what the main issue you are facing is! Because my services are holistic, I will work with you in identifying the root source of your struggles. Just be sure to note what areas you are particularly struggling with right now (i.e. stress with exams, anxiety/intimidation with essay writing, never having enough time for your personal life, submitting an application on time, etc.) Together, we will find ways to bring more peace into your life as you accomplish your academic goals!


All my services are virtual via Zoom so please be sure to download the application onto your preferred device. 


How does pricing work?


I generally charge $50/hour CAD for each virtual session I spend with students either coaching, tutoring, or providing guidance related to university applications. I generally charge $50/hour for any work I do on my own time editing an essay or revising an application. However, my approach is above all holistic and values accessibility. If you are experiencing a difficult financial situation or if your needs require more of my time and services than you can afford, then I am happy to come up with a pricing plan for you based on your needs, goals, and resources. 


Who is this service for?


My services are most broadly intended for anyone who just needs more support in their coursework and navigating university life. My role can be as small and short-term as editing an essay or personal statement for you or as big and long-term as helping you gain vital tools for resilience and personal growth in the academic process. 


While my services are catered to anyone who needs a tutor, academic coach, or support in navigating academic institutions, my particular philosophical approach is ESPECIALLY for students who feel like they can’t get through an exam or essay successfully without feeling burnt out due to all the anxiety in the studying or writing process. Or for students who don’t feel like they struggle with anxiety or stress but who feel alienated and lonely after committing so much of their time and attention to academic goals that they feel their personal life is suffering. My specialization is in work/life balance and helping you develop the tools to finding academic success while building resilience and achieving personal fulfillment along the way.

My services are also particularly intended to cater to any students who experience accessibility issues in academic institutions and/or related services catering to students. As a former long-time student in academia, I know how inaccessible these spaces can be. From academic coaches, tutors, and editorial services charging hundreds for their short-term services to the white-dominated student support services offered at most colleges, the academic process can feel alienating and unjust. My goal is to bridge this gap by providing support to students that is culturally conscious and respectful at a reasonable, budget-friendly price. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if the pricing listed is over your budget, I am happy to negotiate the pricing that best fits your needs and resources. 

What differentiates my services from others?


Aside from the affordability of my services, I provide current and prospective students with exceptional care and attention to not only their academic and career goals but, more importantly, to who they are and what makes them happy. My approach acknowledges and respects the lived experiences, personalities, and values of all students from all backgrounds and works to embrace them and utilize them in building tools for success, resilience, and happiness. 


Contact me today for a free consultation!

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